Photographers learn by preparing and exhibiting their work. The Booth Photography Guild (BPG) offers several opportunities a year for members to prepare and exhibit their works. The Booth Western Art Museum hosts a three-month annual exhibition of BPG images each Fall. Approximately 45 large-scale framed photographs are juried to hang in the Booth Museum’s Borderlands Gallery. Images are juried into the exhibition via digital submissions of five images per photographer. A Reception in the Museum and Awards Ceremony in the Bergman Theatre is held in conjunction with the exhibition. Outside judges award cash prizes for five photographs, including a BPG Members’ Choice Award. The judges present the awards in the Bergman Theatre with comments on each winning image. As an additional educational program, the judges return to the BPG in late fall to display and critique selected images that were submitted but not juried into the exhibition.
The BPG offers educational opportunities related to all aspects of digital photography. BPG is open to anyone interested in photography – no matter the skill level. For more information on BPG call (770) 387-1300 or email
Larry Marchant of Marchant Productions will give a presentation at the monthly BPG Speaker Meeting on October 14, 10:00 am – noon, in Bergman Theatre at Booth Museum, Cartersville, GA
Exhibition Aug 22 - Nov 12
Artist's Talk Oct 14 10am - 12pm
Booth Western Art Museum
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 10AM – 5PM
Thursday: 10AM – 8PM
Sunday: 1 – 5PM